Friday, January 16, 2015

20% Time

My plane for my 20% time is to teach my self how to draw. What frustrates me is when I first start I always have to start over. My art teacher is helping me a lot. She teaching me how add more idea and instead of adding shapes. The only reason why my parents not involve because I didn't tell them about what I was doing for my 20% time project.  My feelings about this project is nervous and anxious because I don't think I will be finish before the end of the year. I will and go in a quiet place and I don't know where the quiet place going to be.  I having trouble with what I want to learn how to draw first. The material I will need is a pencil, eraser , and copy paper. My plane is to ask my brother how he learn how to draw so good. My goal is to start off with the easier things some examples would be: people, house, and animals . The thing I will do next is watch people on you-tube to learn how they draw